Women's Rights in India
Features of women's rights in india are as follows
It is now for centuries that the women in India have suffered in the society. Even after 50 years of Adoption of the Constitution, for women, equality with man appears to be a distant mirage to be reached. Effective political representation of women in Legislature and other forums too has become a difficult proposition to be acceptable. Breach of her personality, through various forms of violence, too has not subsided. The course will study, what are the legal provisions enacted to ameliorate theses situations with special emphasis on Indian Municipal Law and what is the scope and shortcomings in the existing legal regime in this regard. Find coimbatore lawyers who deal cases related to women's rights in india.
1. Women in Pre-Constitution Period: Social and Legal Inequality; social reform movement in India; Legislature response in
India. Women & children in Post-Constitution Period. Provisions Of Constitution of India Preamble,Art.14,15,23,and Part IV Legal Measures in relating to Child Labour Women and Political Representation.
2. Different Personal Laws-Unequal Position of Indian Women-Uniform civil code; Sex Inequality in Inheritance Rights: Right of Inheritance by birth for sons and not for Daughters; Inheritance under Christian Law; Inheritance under Muslim Law; Matrimonial Property Law; Right of women to be Guardian of her minor sons and daughters.
3. Law of Divorce-Christian Law-Discriminatory Provision; Muslim Law-Inheritance divorce.Women and social Legislature: Dowry Prohibition Law; Sex Determination Test, Law relating to Prevention of Immoral Trafficking in Women Act. You can find process for divorce in India.
4. Women and Criminal Law: Adultery; Rape; Outraging the Modesty of women; Kidnapping; Sati Prohibition Law; Law relating to Domestic Violence; Law relating Eve- Teasing; Indecent Representation of Women Act.
5. Women and Employment: Factories Act- Provisions relating to women; Maternity Benefit Act; Equal Remuneration Act; Law Relating to Sexual Harassment at working place; N.C.W-Aims, Functions and Performance.
6. Women's rights are part of family law and Human rights law in India
Prescribed Books:
1. Indu prakash singh-Women,Law and Social Change in India.
2. Paras Dewan-Dowry and protection to Married Women.
3. S.P.Sathe-Towards Gender Justice.
4. Dwarka Nath Mitter-Position of Women in Hindu Law.
5. Shaukat Nasir-Muslim Women and their Rights.
Reference material:
1. Relevant provisional of Constitution of India.
2. Relevant Provisions of Indian Penal Code.
3. S.125,Criminal Procedure Code.
4. National Commission on Women Act,1990.
5. Matrimonial Property-Private Members Bill Introduced in parliament.
6. Towards Equality-Report of Committee on the status of Women(Govt.of India)
Chapter IV and section IV. General Conclusions and Recommendations.