What is IPC, Indian Penal Code in LAW OF CRIMES?



IPC Indian Penal Code Law of Crimes

1. General

1.1. Conception of Crime
1.2. State’s power to determine acts or omissions as crimes
1.3. State’s responsibility to detect, control and punish crime
1.4. Distinction between crime and other wrongs
1.5. Pre-colonial notions of crime as reflected in Hindu, Muslim, tribal laws
1.6. The Colonial reception-Macaulay’s draft based essentially British notions
1.7. I.P.C a reflection of different social and moral values
1.8. Applicability of I.P.C
1.8.1. Territorial
1.8.2. Personal
1.9. Salient features of the I.P.C

2. Elements of Criminal Liability

2.1. Author of crime-natural person and a fit subject for punishment, companies and
2.2. Mens rea-evil intention
2.3. Importance of mens rea
2.4. Recent trends of fix liability without mens rea in certain socio-economic offences
2.5. An act in furtherance of guilty intent
2.6. An omission as specifically includes in the Code
2.7. Injury to another

3. Group Liability

3.1. Stringent provision in case of combination of persons attempting to disturb peace
3.2. Common intention
3.3. Abetment
3.3.1. Instigation, aiding and conspiracy
3.3.2. Mere act of abetment punishable
3.4. Unlawful assembly
3.4.1. Basis of liability
3.5. Criminal conspiracy
3.6. Rioting as a specific offence

4.Stages of Crime

4.1. Guilty intention-mere intention not punishable
4.2. Preparation
4.2.1. Preparation not punishable
4.2.2. Exception in respect of certain offences of grave nature or of peculiar kind
such as possession, counterfeit coins, false weights and measure
4.3. Attempt
4.3.1. Attempt when punishable-specific IPC provisions
4.3.2. Tests for determining what constitutes attempt proximity equivocally and
social danger.
4.3.3. Impossible attempt

5.Factors negativing guilty intention

5.1. Mental incapacity
5.1.1. Minority
5.1.2. Insanity-impairment of cognitive facilities, emotional imbalance
5.1.3. Medical and legal insanity
5.2. Intoxication-involuntary
5.3. Private defence-justification and limits
5.3.1. When private defence extends to causing of death protection body and
5.4. Necessity
5.5. Mistake of fact

6.Types of punishment

6.1. Death
6.1.1. Social relevance of capital punishment
6.1.2. Alternative to capital punishment
6.2. Imprisonment for life, with hard labour, simple imprisonment
6.3. Forfeiture of property
6.4. Fine
6.5. Discretion in awarding punishment
6.6. Minimum punishment in respect of certain offences

7.Specific offences against human body

7.1. Causing death of human beings
7.1.1. Culpable homicide
7.1.2. Murder Distinction between culpable homicide and murder
7.2. Specific mental element requirement in respect of murder
7.3. Situation justifying treating murder as culpable homicide not amounting to murder
7.3.1. Grave and sudden provocation
7.3.2. Exceeding right to private defense
7.3.3. Public servant exceeding legitimate use of force
7.3.4. Death in sudden fight
7.3.5. Death caused by consent of the deceased-Euthanasia
7.3.6. Death caused by person other than the person Intended
7.3.7. Miscarriage with or without consent
7.4. Rash and negligent act causing death
7.5. Hurt-grievous and simple
7.6. Assault and criminal force
7.7. Wrongful restraint and wrongful confinements-kidnapping from lawful guardianship
and from outside India
7.8. Abduction

You can find lawyers in coimbatore handling IPC Indian penal code law cases.

8.Offences against women

8.1. Insulting the modesty of a woman
8.2. Assault or criminal force with intent to outrage the modesty of a woman
8.3. Causing miscarriage without woman’s consent
8.4. Causing death by causing miscarriage without women’s consent
8.5. Kidnapping or abducting woman to compel her to marry or force her to illicit
8.6. Buying a minor for purposes of prostitution
8.7. Cruelty by husband or relatives of the husband
8.8. Rape
8.9. Custodial rape
8.10.Marital rape
8.11. Cruelty by husband or relatives of the husband
8.12.Common law remedies to protect against obscene/indecent depiction of woman

9.Offences against property

9.1. Theft
9.2. Cheating
9.3. Extortion
9.4. Robbery and dacoity
9.5. Mischief
9.6. Criminal misrepresentation and criminal breach of trust
9.7. Criminal trespass
9.8. Forgery and consumer protection rights.

10.Offences by or relating to public servants

10.1. Public servant taking gratification of other than legal remuneration
10.2. Public servant induced by illegal or corrupt means to do or not to do an act
10.3. Public servant obtaining valuable thing without consideration connection with
official functions.
10.4. Public servant framing incorrect document without intent to cause injury
10.5. Unlawful buying or bidding by public servant
10.6. Special legislation dealing with prevention of corruption, prevention of corruption
Act, objective and scope
10.7. False evidence and offences against public justice

11.Offences against the State

11.1. Waging attempting conspiring to wage or collecting the ammunition to wage war
against the Government of India
11.2. Assaulting President or Governor of a State with an intent to compel or restrain the
exercise of any lawful power
11.3. Sedition
11.4. War against a power at peace with the Government of India are committing
depredations on the territories or such powers
11.5. Permitting or aiding or negligently suffering the escape of or rescuing of harbouring,
a state of prisoner


12.1. Defamation
12.2. Punishment for defamation
12.3. Printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory
12.4. Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter
1 : Gaur.K.D-Criminal Law-Cases and materials (1985 Edn)
2 : Ratanlal-Dhirajlal-Law of Crimes (1987) 23rd Edn.
3 : Huda-Law Crimes
4 : Kenny-Outlines of Criminal Law (Chapt 1to3)
5 : Ratanlal-Dhirajlal-The Indian Penal Code
6 : Achuthen Pillai.P.S-Criminal Law
7 : Nigam,R.C-Law Crimes in India-Vol-I
8 : Stewart,S.W-A Modern view of Criminal Law (Pergamon Press Oxford 1969)
9 : Gari Sing Gour-Penal Law of India
10 : Bhatt,V.R-Essays in Criminal Law
11 : Relevant volumes of the Annual survey published by Indian Law institute.

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