Land Laws
Features of Land Laws are as follows
1.Ownership of land doctrine of eminent domain
2.Doctrine of Escheat
3.Movement of land reforms
3.1. Pre – independence position zamindari settlements, ryotwari settlement, mahalwari system, intermediaries, absentee landlordism, large holdings. Coimbatore lawyers have experience in Land law cases.
3.2. Post independence reforms
3.2.1. Abolition of Zamindaries
3.2.2. Laws relation to abolition of intermediaries
4.Laws relating to acquisition of property and government control and use of land, Land AcquisitionAct. 1894
5.Laws relating to ceiling on land holding
6.1. Urban land ceiling
6.2. Agricultural land ceiling
7.Laws relating to tenancy reforms
7.1. Land to the tiller
7.2. Rent control and protection against eviction
8.Laws relating alienation/ assignment in scheduled areas
9.Laws relating to grabbing in Jurisprudence
10.Forest laws: Conservation of Forest Act