Civil Procedure Code 1908 Bare Act CPC

Features of Civil procedure code 1908 Bara Act CPC are as follows

1.1. Concepts of Civil Procedure in India before the advent of the British Rule
1.2. Evolution of Civil Procedure from 1712 to 1901
1.3. Principle features of the Civil Procedure code
1.4. Importance of State Amendments
1.5. Types of procedures – inquisitorial and adversary importance of observance of procedure

2.1. Concept of laws suit
2.2. Order I, Parties to suit
2.3. Order II, Frame of suit
2.4. Order IV, Institution of suit
2.5. Bars and suit; Doctrines of Sub Judice and Res judicata
2.6. Place of suing (Sec. 15,20) Territorial jurisdiction
2.7. ‘Cause of Action’ and Jurisdictional bars
2.8. Summons (Sections 27,28,31 Orders IV, VI, IX)
2.9. Service of foreign summons (sec. 29)
2.10. Power for order (sec. 30, order XI)

3.1. Material Facts
3.2. Forms of pleading
3.3. Condition precedent
3.4. Presumptions of law
3.5. Striking out/amendment

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4.1. Particulars (esp. in money suits/suits for immovable property)
4.2. Showing defendants interest and liability
4.3. Ground of Limitation
4.4. Return of plaint
4.5. Rejection of plaint
4.6. Production and listing of documents
4.7. Written Statement
4.8. Counter claim
4.9. Set off
4.10. Framing of issues

5.1. Appearance
5.2. Exparte procedure
5.3. Default of portion
5.4. Summoning and attendance of witnesses
5.5. Examination
5.6. Admissions
5.7. Production, Importing, Return of Documents
5.8. Hearing
5.9. Affidavit
5.10.Order XVII
5.11.Adjournments , judicial discretion and problems arrears

6.1. Concepts of judgment decree and interim Orders and stay
6.2. Injunctions
6.3. Appointment of Commissions, Receivers
6.4. Costs

7.1. Concept of ‘Execution’
7.2. General Principles of Execution
7.3. Power for Execution of Decrees (sec.38-46)
7.4. Procedure for Execution (sec51-54) and find more details about labour law in India.
7.5. Enforcement: Arrest and Detention (sec 55-59)
7.6. Attachment (sec 60-64)
7.7. Sale (sec 65-67)

8.1. Suits by or against Government (sec 79-82)
8.2. Suits by aliens and by or against foreign Rulers Ambassadors (Sec 83,87(a))
8.3. Suits relating to public matters (sec 91,93)
8.4. Incidental and supplementary proceedings (sec75-78, 94-95)
8.5. Suits by or against minors, persons with unsound mind, indigent persons etc.
8.6. Inter pleader suits

9.1. Appeals from Original Decrees (sec. 96-99A) and Order XLI
9.2. Appeals from Appellate Decrees (Sec 100-103)
9.3. Appeals from Orders (sec 101-106) (Order XLIII)
9.4. General Provisions Relating to Appeals (sec 107-108)
9.5. Appeals to the Supreme Courts (sec109)
9.6. The rationale of Commissions
9.7. Order XXVI
9.8. Social-legal Commissions of inquiry in : Social Action or ‘Public’ Interest Litigation

10.1. Concept of limitation-why limitation?
10.2.General principles of Limitation.
10.3. Extension-Sufficient cause-acknowledgement
10.4.Legal Disability-condo nation-when comes to an end?
10.5.Limitation Act of 1963 (excluding Schedules)

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