Alternative Dispute Resolution
Features of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) are as follows
•Negotiation skills
•Conciliation skills
•Arbitrational practice including international arbitrational and arbitration rules by simulation programmes and case studies to be conducted by either by a legal practioner or a senior teacher.
•The third component of this paper will be Viva Voce examination on all the above two aspects. This will carry 10 marks
1. Judicial dispute resolutions ; Characteristics, Operation Principles, Party participation and Control Short focus on issue, Reasoned Decision, Finality, Adversary Process, what course do and do not do effectively? Advantages and Disadvantages of such resolution.
2. Alternative dispute resolution , Alternative to formal adjudication – Techniques processes, Unilateral – Bilateral – Triadic (Third party) Intervention, Advantages – Limitations, Distinction between arbitration – conciliation and negotiation, Distinction between judicial settlement and alternative dispute resolution. To know more about Alternative Dispute Resolution contact coimbatore lawyers.
3. Self help, avoidance and lumping Negation mediation ,conciliational, arbitration and distinctions in between Alternate models in dispute resolutions, Role of Panchayat, Role of GramaSabhas, Lokpal, LokAdalats, Family Courts,
4.The Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996. Background of the Act, Definitions of “Arbitration”,“Arbitrator”, Arbitration agreement”, Appointment of “Arbitrator”, grounds for changing the arbitrator, termination of Arbitrator.
5.Proceedings in arbitral tribunals and enforcement of awards, Arbitral Award Termination of Proceedings, Setting aside of arbitral award, Finality
and Enforcement, Appeals, enforcement of foreign awards, New York and Geneva Convention Awards.
6.Section 89 and O-10, R-1-AB and C of CPC Conciliation, Meaning and definition conciliation agreement, appointment of conciliator, powers and function of conciliator, techniques of successful conciliation proceedings, enforceability.
7.Other Alternative modals of dispute resolution, Family Courts, Family Courts Act, 1984,family council ling techniques, Tribunals, Motor Accent.
8.Tribunals, MV Act, relevant provisions, Administrative Tribunals, Consumer Forms.
9.Legal Services Authority
10. Role of NGO’s in Dispute resolutions.