White Collar Crime
Features of White Collar Crime are as follow
1.Emergence of White Collar Crime
Concept and Nature of White Collar Crimes
Sutherlands, view on white collar crimes and it’s analysis
2. Causes of White collar crimes
Distinguish between white collar and Blue collar crimes
Courts and White collar crimes in India
3.White collar crimes in India
Hoarding Black marketing and Adulteration
White collar crimes in certain Professions – Medical Profession, Legal profession.
Educational institutions, Engineering.
White collar crimes in business deals through Law of Contract 1872.
Fake Employment Placement Rockets
Remedial Measures
4.Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Objects and reasons of the Act,
Definition – Public duty, Public Servant
Power to appoint special judges, case triable by special judges, procedure and powers
of special judges.
Offences and penalties – Public servant taking gratification other than legal
remuneration in respect of an official Act, Criminal misconduct by a Public Servant. Contact coimbatore lawyers for more details about White Collar Crime.
Suggested Readings:
1. Mahesh Chandra : Socio-Economic Crimes
2. Marshal B. Clinard : Crime in Developing Countries
3. N.V. Pranjape : Criminology and Penology.
4. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
5. 47th Report of Law Commission in India.
6. Trial and Punishment of Socio-Economic Offences.
Annual Report Criminal Law Review